Thursday, November 10, 2005

Blocked Drains and Custard

So tonight was the first night in a gazillion years that i had the flat to myself..I actually got excited at the thought of having some hours on my own...don't get me wrong my flatmates are without doubt the finest to be found but I like time on my own too.
So I started making custard for dinner..I can see the horror on killians face already..but its what i wanted..
Then I noticed the drain was still blocked in the sink in the kitchen and full of mank mank MANK as Daniel will confirm, I HATE sinks full of manky water and plates and forks swimming in water filled with soggy lettuce and bloated pasta.....if anyone's making a list of how to annoy me thats gotta be near the top...although I think only myself and Daniel make those lists for each other...
So I donned the big rubber gloves ed bought and spent 6 hours trying to unscrew the costic soda bottle to chuck a load of it down the spanish doesn't stretch to costic soda instructions so I decided chucking 4 shakes down would do it....then I realised that I dont really know what costic soda does or whether I should be chucking it anywhere and these gloves don't really look that tough.......I started imagining my arm melting like in who framed roger rabbit when they have the green goo to kill all the toons......that film rocks...yeah so my arm didn't melt off but my sink is still blocked...
The other thing I did tonight was talk to my mammy which always leaves me feeling so happy.
And then my pops emailed me this photo of him and my mum at my dads do in Doheny and Nesbitts.
I think they look fantastic.