Friday, November 11, 2005


I've been wondering lately bout the birds. THE BIRDS! ha ha....
no but I have been wondering- about now all the birds in Ireland fly south, seeing them on the wires always reminds me of going back to school when I was seven and school was fun and Maire my teacher describing how the birds all sit on the telephone wires to have a chat about the best route south for their holidays and if you're lucky you'll see them all take off at the same time...and I always liked to imagine them flying south to spain and africa......and if there was anyway I could go with them and how did they fly over the oceans especially in the dark.......
NOW the thing I'm wondering is- do spanish birds fly south too? Like do they go further south? And also- might we have Irish birds in Barcelona this winter? or is this not far south enough....I daydream A LOT at work and when it gets really boring (which is all the time) I think about these little birds with Dublin accents going wha's the stooory bud to all the little spanish birds.....