Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ah where to Begin.....

Where it all started I guess....not that I know when that was....

Christmas was lovely.

These were taken at a session in our gaff, after the max tundra gig in Kennedys, my new favourite place, especially the huge puddle you have to jump over to get in. Everyone's friendly not in an -'Oh my god you're my new best friend hug me, do you have gum' way but in the 'hey you're sound, so am I, deadly', kinda way.And the tunes are kickin.
We all came back to sit on the floor, couches and pandas of our gaff, drink beer, spill beer EVERYWHERE, light fires, toast marshmallows, rar rar rar blah blah, I love dogs and sligo and dubstep and niamhs hat and rar rar rar blah blah blah. Savage.

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